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Let’s make TRIBE the safest place to work out. This is our commitment to our family.




As we open the doors to the Rave Cave and welcome you back with open arms, we will need you to observe our latest safety measures as we create an environment that is safe for all. All the safety measures and protocols adopted are meant to keep you safe and shall be adjusted from time to time in line with any guidelines set by the authorities.

Our team members, group class instructors and personal trainers are fully vaccinated and have completed the training on our safety protocols. We pledge to only be present at the studios when we are physically well and healthy, and are fully aware that we are and have not been in close contact with a positive COVID-19 patient.



House Rules

We are welcoming and opening our doors to members who have received the full regimen of COVID-19 vaccines and have passed the 14-day duration (or 28 days for single-shot vaccines) upon completion of their final dose to attend any group clases and personal training sessions at TRIBE.

For members who are unvaccinated, partially vaccinated or are awaiting 14 days post-second jab (or 28 days post-first jab), we will strictly deny your entry, even if you manage to book a spot. Any credits used are non-refundable.

Class Capacity

For the safety of everyone, class capacity is capped at 50% to allow for ample space between each punching bag whilst adhering to social distancing guidelines as advised by the government.

Contact Tracing

Please make sure your personal details in your TRIBE account are correctly stated and up-to-date for a more effective contact tracing process.



Please note that all in-studio group class packages and personal training packages purchased before 18th September 2021 will continue to be frozen until 31st October 2021.

If you wish to unfreeze your package, here's what you need to do:

  • Submit your Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate to
  • Upon verification of your vaccination status, we will proceed to unfreeze your class packages and you'll be able to book your favourite classes on our online platform.
  • *Note: If your family members and friends are sharing your package, you would need to get them to email their digital certificates for a hassle-free booking process.
  • *Note: Only the package owner will be able to request for a package to be unfrozen. We are unable to process any requests sent in by any third party.


To safely manage the studio capacity, all TRIBE members are required to use our online platform ( to reserve a spot prior to accessing any of our classes at our Mont Kiara studio or outdoors at Tropicana Gardens Mall. We encourage you to book your spot in advance due to reduced class capacity. The booking window closes 1 hour before the commencement of the scheduled class.

If you can't make it to a class, you can cancel your reservation 12 hours before the commencement of the scheduled class. This is to allow other members on the waitlist to take up your spot.



Please arrive 15 minutes before the commencement of the scheduled class to help us better manage any crowd movements.

You are required to complete a Health Declaration in your MySejahtera App before joining our classes to confirm that you are not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, nor have you come in close contact with a positive COVID-19 patient.

Checking in using your MySejahtera app, body temperature screening and presenting your vaccination status are mandatory before you enter the studio. No exceptions will be given even if you are running late for your class.

We reserve the right to deny your entry if:

  • You do not wear a face mask
  • Your health risk status shown is high
  • You appear to be unwell and show symptoms of COVID-19; i.e. fever, sore throat, dry cough and shortness of breath
  • You are deemed to pose a threat to the safety of our environment


Face Mask Policy

Face masks should be worn at all times in shared spaces.

Social Distancing

You are required to abide by the social distancing rules by following the floor markings and indicators available at the studio entrances, reception areas, common areas, seating areas and the Rave Caves.

Sign In & Contactless Payments

Please make sure your attendance is marked at the reception once you enter the studio.

For convenience and to minimise contact, we strongly encourage you to make contactless payments that are available, such as online fund transfers, card and e-wallets transactions.

Fight Gear Rentals

Our fight gears are available to rent - RM3 for a pair of boxing gloves and RM1 for a pair of handwraps. Rest assured that our equipments are regularly sanitised with top-grade disinfectant solutions. However, we do encourage you to use your own fight gears for personal hygiene purposes.

Don't have a set of fight gears? Fret not, we have boxing gloves, handwraps and speed-wraps available for purchase. Grab them early while stock lasts!


We will not be offering towels during this time and we recommend that you bring your own for personal hygiene purposes. Towels provided in the studios are only meant for disinfecting and wiping gym equipments.

Studio Amenities

To abide by the rules and guidelines set by the government, showers in our studios will remain closed until further notice.

Please note that a limited number of lockers are available throughout the studios, so please bring minimal items.

In order to keep our water dispenser nozzle free from contamination, you are expected to ensure that your body parts and water bottles do not come into contact with the nozzle when refilling.



Entering & Leaving the Rave Cave

  • Please do not rush in and out of the Rave Cave. Be sure to queue in an orderly manner and follow the instructors' instructions to respect your fellow members' space.
  • Please make sure you have your fight gears and drinking water ready before entering the Rave Cave. We'd appreciate it if you could minimise the frequency of going in and out of the Rave Cave to ensure that the instructors and other members enjoy the class without disruption.

Late Arrival Policy

Once the Rave Cave doors are closed and classes have started, there is a 5-minute grace period to enter the Rsve Cave. No on is allowed to enter the class after the grace period.

Position Guides

You are expected to stay in your designated spot throughout the entire class. To ease contact tracing, you are not allowed to switch spots and cross sections during this time.

Photos & Videos

  • We understand your like to capture memories by taking photos and filming your workouts. We actually love it when you share joyful moments as such on social media, so do remember to tag us!
  • We woudl like to seek your understanding and support to respect other members' space when doing so. Please do not turn on the flash in order to refrain from disrupting other members from working out.
  • Please note that tripods are prohibited for use in the Rave Cave.

Sanitisation of Punching Bags and Equipments

  • We have always done this, but now more so than ever, we are spending extra time and effort in ensuring our studios are at their best. Please do your part and disinfect the punching bags after each use.


Placement of Used Towels and Fight Gears It will be very helpful if any used items are placed in the designated laundry bins and are not left inside the Rave Caves, boxing ring, seating areas and even the toilets.

No Inter-Mingling

  • There will be a 15-minute interval between each class to allow us to disinfect the equipments and set up for the following class. We hereby advise you to leave the Rave Cave right after class by following our instructors' instructions to allow us to carry out the necessary work.
  • To help keep the number of people in any one studio at as minimum, we encourage all members to leave the studio 10 - 15 minutes after the class, to allow members for the following class ample space to wait in the studio.
  • Don't forget to check out using your MySejahtera app before you leave the studio!


This is a safe space.

We will do our best to protect your health and safety but we can’t do well without your kind understanding and support. Please help us in protecting our team, instructors and other members at TRIBE. We want to make sure the you feel comfortable coming to TRIBE.

As we adapt to the new normal with these new procedures, we appreciate everyone’s patience and cooperation. We know its a lot to take in...but slowly it will become a routine!

Please reach out to us at or +603 6411 7406 if you have any questions or concerns.